Monday, 10 March 2025

Ogden Water Success And Embarrassment

Thanks to a txt from BS my intention of going to Ogden was set in stone this am.
I walked over Soil Hill top and got a Curlew before arrival via the plantation end and got another Curlew.

I was in luck the Whooper ๐Ÿฆข Swans were very settled in a tight knit flock. I counted 45 birds.
Excitement clouded my judgement when it came to a couple of small gulls that appeared to have jet black hoods. Photos showed the heads as black but this was a trick of the strong sunlight. I eventually managed to get good views showing them to be BHGs ๐Ÿ˜‘.

Another Curlew at Stod Fold. The fresh N’ly blow scoured Mixenden Res and there were only a handful of small gulls being blown around.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Mixenden To Cold Edge Dams

Circumstances dictated that I had to climb up Hunter Hill from Mixenden Res this fine sunny morning. Only a few mixed size gulls on the water but hey not to worry there was fathoms deep mud in the woods thanks to the fabulous biker ๐Ÿšด‍♀️ boys ๐Ÿคจ.

Old age reminded me the hill is a mountain to climb and if common sense prevails I won’t be doing this route ever again.  3 Curlew heard on the way up and about a hundred Jackdaws. 3/4 more Curlew heard throughout the session.

A pr Lapwing & a pr Oystercatcher among the 100 or so Canadas. About a dozen Greylag also plus an overhead Meadow Pipit. A pr Tufted Duck on the smaller dam now becoming obscured by buildings under construction ๐Ÿ˜.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Soil Hill Ogden Mixenden

A warm morning with a strong gusting warm wind. I braved the Hill from Hades and was rewarded with a Curlew and a Skylark on the top. Down at the bottom were about a dozen Lapwing and numerous Starling.

Another Curlew at Ogden plantation with a couple of singing Chaffinch. Ogden Water was poor just a few gulls including Herring.
Stod Fold produced a further 6 Curlew. These are the latest I’ve had in the past 4 years. In the previous 3 years I got them returning in the last 7 days of January

A Green Woodpecker was laffing its head off at Hunter Hill..
Mixenden Res had numerous mixed sized gulls on the water only. I chatted to a fisherman who stated that Whooper Swans in small numbers have been present there over the past few days “coming and going “.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Last Push Up In Portugal

The Sun replaced the Rain today Saturday 1st March. I had another long slog until old age took its toll and had a fair bit of satisfaction ๐Ÿ˜Š. 
The ๐Ÿฆฉ flock has risen to 36 birds. Oystercatcher numbers have doubled to 2 birds ๐Ÿ˜†. Spotted Redshank are doing well here and it’s a wader I really like to see. I got lucky photography wise with a feeding Spoonbill followed closely with a wading Whimbrel

A Pipit species was new for me here but the view was too brief for identification.. A Chiffchaff sang Swallows & House Martins gathered mud while a Green Sandpiper posed for one badly focussed photo then hid below a ridge of mud.

Friday, 28 February 2025

Rainy Day In Tavira

Rain was forecast for Friday but I still went out towards the far end of Tavira. The wet stuff timed itself to perfection; less than halfway back on the return leg it did a stair rod ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ number on me and I got soaked to the skin ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ.

I was surprised and pleased to get f Black Redstart again though I am almost certain it was the same bird as previously seen.

Good to see rhat the Flamingos ๐Ÿฆฉ have now increased to 19 birds ๐Ÿ™‚.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

A Quieter Session In Tavira

I started off at what I refer to as the Ogden end of the wetland and accordingly my excitement levels remained manageable.Even then as I exited to visit LBBG City another site tick came up in the form of a calling Hoopoe ๐Ÿ™‚.

The move was beneficial as I reacquainted with the Caspian Tern flying across in front of me. 7 Great Flamingo ๐Ÿฆฉ were busy feeding here and attracting the attention of passing tourists.

Usual hordes of waders seen again plus another White Stork in flight.
I may as well mention that despite the abundance of mud and sand banks I haven’t had a Sand Martin yet. 
It’s both boring and surprising to find that the only corvid species present is the Magpie. I would have lost moolah had I said Hooded Crow is a knocking bet.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Portuguese Birding In Sunshine

A fresh breeze kept one moving this morning despite the sunshine. But here now on the balcony it’s bright warm and sunny with less wind. Got another 5 to add to the list, surely this can’t go on ๐Ÿฅฑ.

First up was a real surprise out in the wetlands a f Black Redstart flew up from the track into a close by bush. I think I got another much later  - this was a brief view on a ruined building.

Next was a Ringed Plover then a single Oystercatcher. Another surprise came as I binned a solitary so called “wader” on a large dry patch way from the water. It was a cracking Stone Curlew ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ ๐Ÿ˜†.

As I go to the busy river near the hotel my clomping footfall cheesed off a Green Sandpiper that made a helluva racket as it flew away. This probably encouraged a Whimbrel in the vicinity to join in.