Monday, 20 November 2017

Birder Outnumbered

What an assault on the senses this afternoon has been; so many Pinkfeet,  they even flew over the town centre. Shelduck were in the highest numbers I've ever encountered pity the tide was out.
A mind blower after just 20 minutes along the beach was a party of c15 Snow Bunting flying around. Shortly after a similar sized group of brown jobs did the same but they were briefer and I really can't bring myself to say they were Twite. I hope to encounter them tomorrow when I take an extended walk along the beach.

Other players: 7/8 Black-tailed Godwit, c45 Oystercatcher, 2 Curlew, c20 Redshank, c12 Little Egret, 6 Little Grebe, ditto Pintail, c400 Coot. Also Lapwings, Cormorants, Mute Swans and other watery fowl.
Some photos to follow whenever.
This location is almost as good as the flood 😆