Saturday 5 May 2018

Queensbury to Mixenden

A Dozen or so Rook were busily feeding on the rugby pitch not a common sight here.
A Redshank was busy on Raggalds Flood which is now receding almost at the same pace as my hairline.

Soil Hill had single Curlew, Lapwing, Moorhen, Oystercatcher & Canada. It also produced a pr Grey Partridge, 3 Wheatear & 2 Whitethroat plus the usual residents and a passing Swallow.
Ogden was depression enshrined. Another slog produced nothing but WW, couple each Blackcap & Chiffchaff.

The trek over the golf course was also fraught with boredom. I searched for Tree Pipit as per DP bird of Friday but got just a pr Meadow Pipit.
Hunter Hill bottom: 2 Curlew, 4 Wheatear, 1 Reed Bunting, Linnets.
I have to apologise at this stage to 2 text recipients who shall remain nameless in order to protect their guilt. On reflection the flighty Whinchat I reported wasn't this species. After a doubt sprang up in my mind I had cause to peruse online birdguides and books.

Mixenden Res was still being graced by the Goldeneye pr. Also a single Grey Wagtail, Song Thrush, Swallow, Moorhen & pr Dullard.