Thursday 7 February 2019

Apologies to Milton, Shelley and Shakespeare

Here is a poem I composed and gave to my girlfriend nigh on 24 years ago. She recently discovered it while cleaning and sorting a cupboard out and forwarded this photo to me.

It reads:

Northern skies scowl down on a land barely blessed by the springtime sun.
Bold March winds weave meadows into angry tapestries of green.

From this portrayal of the seasonal shift a sound thrills my heart; bubbling trills flow, like a musical stream over stones.

The Curlew is back!

Dappled creams and browns fight those brooding skies; the wind cannot halt this heralds passage.

Moments pass, the bird flies up the valley. But, the spirit awakened is now strong and look!
Isn't that life I see before me?

Nigel Kerwin 