Another toupee gone for a Burton in the howling gales and a few loosened teeth to boot.
RF 1025 hrs pr Dullard, Crow, 5 Starling.
Soil Hell excelled itself; not a single bird but it's good for exercise and mental agility. I mean if it weren't for that evil mount I would think myself as psychologically well balanced and bye gum that is not acceptable.
Ogden Res: pr Herring Gull ditto Goosander. What a boring stretch of H2O this is.
Stod Fold produced great views of a Little Owl both perched and in flight. Also a few Goldfinch here.
Mixenden Res was fairly lively; 1 Cormorant, 4 Canada, 8 Herring Gull, 1 LBBG, pr Goldeneye, 5 Goosander & 4 Tufted Duck comprising 2 pr m & f.