Sunday, 19 April 2020

Soil Hill Goody

Soil Hill 0945-1120 hrs. A Great start, mediocre middle and a reasonable ending.
A female Ring Ouzel was in the farm field on the left halfway up Perspiration Rd. Despite being somewhat distant it's features were clearly recognizable. After 7/8 minutes it flew onto a wall further down and further SW before disappearing.

2 WW, 5 Linnet, 1 Grey Heron, 8 Mall Dullard, 2 Curlew, 5 Lapwing & 3 Blackbird also seen. Not forgetting a fair number of Meadow Pipit & Skylark.

Met DP who reports 9 Fieldfare from a walk in the Pit/Deep Lane area.We went down Taylor Lane and managed to get the Little Owl taking the air again. Also a Mistle Thrush & couple more Linnet.

Several Linnet, couple Meadow Pipit & a Skylark were in the wider area of Roper Lane.