Saturday, 26 November 2022

Ogden Water & Mixenden Res

Not a lot going on at either location on a dry morning with a S'ly blow.
Ogden: only gulls and dullards on the water. The Chaffinch flock has diminished and split up. c20 birds in the Skirden channel and a handful down on the W shore by the overflow.
2 GSW, 1 Bullfinch, 5/6 Gt Tit stood out.

A Dipper was in the brook at Stod Fold. c22 Canada Geese were in a field nearer to Mixenden Res along with an almost leucistic hybrid with pink bill and legs.

4/5 Herring Gull were on the drink along with a 2/3 LBB, a few Common & several BHG.

Only other bird seen was a Pied Wagtail.