A Nutter gets up and thinks I fancy some birds today so I’ll do Low Moor. He has an errand for a friend which takes him up Chapel Lane so he has a change of plan and decides on Soil Hill instead. A voice of reason in a corner of his decaying brain 🧠whispers Its a strong SW’ly wind. Ignoring this said Nutter does the entire hill and is rewarded with a Pheasant 😰. At one point he thinks a Teal was on the bottom pond but by now he has completely lost any rational thought process and dare not trust his instincts.
Halfwit nay Quarter wit progresses to Ogden Water. Here a pr
Goosander are seen. Plenty of gulls one of which a probable 2CY Herring looks rather poorly and isn’t bothered by a pointing Camera.
Nutter goes on to Mixenden Res where there are more gulls and a pr Cormorant.
My next trick will surely get me the psychiatric help I need. I’m going to stand on top of the cenotaph in a Tutu and sing a Roxy Music tune while doing the paso doble.