Thursday, 6 March 2025

Soil Hill Ogden Mixenden

A warm morning with a strong gusting warm wind. I braved the Hill from Hades and was rewarded with a Curlew and a Skylark on the top. Down at the bottom were about a dozen Lapwing and numerous Starling.

Another Curlew at Ogden plantation with a couple of singing Chaffinch. Ogden Water was poor just a few gulls including Herring.
Stod Fold produced a further 6 Curlew. These are the latest I’ve had in the past 4 years. In the previous 3 years I got them returning in the last 7 days of January

A Green Woodpecker was laffing its head off at Hunter Hill..
Mixenden Res had numerous mixed sized gulls on the water only. I chatted to a fisherman who stated that Whooper Swans in small numbers have been present there over the past few days “coming and going “.