1045 -1245 hrs. The hill is finished for Autumn & Winter birds owing to the spread of Rye grass which has crowded out the majority of any other seed producing plants. The one remaining bare patch really doesn't qualify to be called as such due to downsizing caused by encroachment.
I managed a Crow, 1 Dunnock & a Meadow Pipit for my troubles.
Ogden Res was unexciting; 3 Lapwing over > E, numerous small gulls, GSW. A
Kingfisher flew from the promenade up to the top end.
A Green Woodpecker called from Hunter Hill. C57 Canada & a Mistle Thrush were in a field at the bottom. Mixenden Res had a load of gulls including a Herring. 3 Goldeneye still there and a Moorhen.