Sunday, 1 December 2019

Queensbury South Awakens

0940-1140 hrs with a really slow start in the park which held a vast amount of nothing much. Sloshing about the field below the golf course I did manage 3 Redwing & 2 Fieldfare with 7 Goldfinch & 1 Grey Wagtail in the track that leads to Giles Hill Lane. Hereabouts was a solitary Herring Gull alongside a couple of BHG.

c55 Lapwing were back in their usual haunt with 4 Common Gull & c16 BHG nearby. A Kestrel flew across > SW. I decided to give any Snipe present the day off due to the cold.

Green Lane was busy for a change, starting with the unusual site of 2 Moorhen feeding in a grass field. The bushes are jumping with untouched berries so it was a relief to see 5 Blackbird and c12 Redwing nervously fluttering about.

A Green Woodpecker called continually from this area and a Pied Wagtail was also present.