Where to start with the birds? Well I suppose with the absentees; I'd forgotten that Auks split the scene when late Autumn arrives, Doh!🤡. However there was still enough interest to keep a landlocked hillbilly happy.
4 Cormorant, 1 Shag, 6 GBBG, few LBBG, numerous Herring & small gull species. The stretch of cliffs just across the frog n toad held in the region of 70 Fulmar with a fair few being open to having their mugshots recorded.
The most common wader was Oystercatcher with 7 Turnstone making it to second place. When I hit the estuary 4 Curlew & 2 Redshank gave reasonable to good views. 2 Little Egret were here also, one very close and confiding.
I was very happy to get 5 Rock Pipit which were supported by about 9 Meadow Pipit. A single Skylark flew over the heathland which also produced 3 of the 4 Stonechat seen in total.
Other players: 5 Greenfinch, 8/9 Goldfinch, 3 Pied Wagtail, Blackbirds, Dunnocks, Rock Doves & Woodpigeons, House Sparrow do very well here.
My camera presented me with a problem; I took so many photographs it became too heavy for me to lift. If I get my strength back I should be able to publish some in 2020 😀