Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Newquay Circular

What a slog but what a great day out too in the sparsely clouded blue sky with just a slight breeze whispering. Part of the enjoyment was too see the Atlantic breakers beat the hell out of the rocks while nearby the world renowned Fistral Beacn was smothered in surfers.
Where to start with the birds? Well I suppose with the absentees; I'd forgotten that Auks split the scene when late Autumn arrives, Doh!🤡. However there was still enough interest to keep a landlocked hillbilly happy.

4 Cormorant, 1 Shag, 6 GBBG, few LBBG, numerous Herring & small gull species. The stretch of cliffs just across the frog n toad held in the region of 70 Fulmar with a fair few being open to having their mugshots recorded.

The most common wader was Oystercatcher with 7 Turnstone making it to second place. When I hit the estuary 4 Curlew & 2 Redshank gave reasonable to good views. 2 Little Egret were here also, one very close and confiding.

I was very happy to get 5 Rock Pipit which were supported by about 9 Meadow Pipit. A single Skylark flew over the heathland which also produced 3 of the 4  Stonechat seen in total.
Other players: 5 Greenfinch, 8/9 Goldfinch, 3 Pied Wagtail, Blackbirds, Dunnocks, Rock Doves & Woodpigeons, House Sparrow do very well here.

My camera presented me with a problem; I took so many photographs it became too heavy for me to lift. If I get my strength back I should be able to publish some in 2020 😀