SH had c20 Redwing, c55 Fieldfare & c70 Starling together in one field.
Singles of Meadow Pipit & Skylark were on the top. 3 Roe Deer were at the N slope bottom.
Ogden Res is undergoing excavation on the top E side pond and nearby section of track. The birds didn't flock to watch though and I managed just 2 LBBG, 1 Herring & the small jobs. I was pleased to get 3 Bullfinch by the lodge house; 1 m & 2 f.
Others: GSW, 3/4 Coal Tit.
There wasn't a single bird seen at Hunter Hill bottom. I wonder if the wind switching to NE was influential. A couple of Roe Deer provided some distraction.
Mixenden Res is shrinking by the day. 3 Goosander still there also 3 Cormorant but Goldeneye down to 4 birds. Usual small gulls and a GSW heard.