Saturday, 29 February 2020

Raggalds To Mixenden

5 Canada on Raggalds Flood. 6 singing Skylark, 3 singing Chaffinch and 2 Roe Deer at Soil Hill.
4 Fieldfare over > W at Ogden which also had the usual Coal Tits etc. The Kingfisher showed well again, a GSW called.
1 LBBG & a few small gulls on the drink plus a pr Goosander ditto Canada.

Stod Fold had a pr Mistle Thrush and a very dicey boggy patch.
The bottom of Hunter Hill produced a daytime Tawny Owl.

3/4 minutes after taking these record shots a flash hailstorm drove a Curlew from nearby Hunter Hill giving me very good views.

Mixenden Res held a pr each of Goldeneye & Goosander plus 2 Cormorant and a solitary Moorhen. The Gull community consisted of numerous small birds and a few big 'uns incl one adult Herring and others of varied ages.
On departure a couple more Curlew bubbling calls were enjoyed.