Monday, 3 February 2020

Redcar Tarn II

Courtesy of DP who wanted a crack at the Caspian and Iceland Gulls; who was I to refuse a second helping? Quickly disposing of the downside; the Iceland failed to show by the time we left at approx 1210 hrs. However both the 1cy & 2 cy Caspian Gulls did show up. They tended to switch from the fields to the lake and back again frequently with no rhyme nor reason.

Also present were numerous Lapwing, the Tufteds and of course several Herring & LBBG including this sorry individual who looked like it had been through the wars.

The pr Oystercatcher were still at Leeshaw Res along with 2 Cormorant and a drake Goosander plus a big pile of Jackdaw.