Monday 20 September 2021

Doe Park Hooray Osprey

1030-1435 hrs. The Osprey put in five appearances during the time I spent at Doe Park, most of them brief. 4 of them were down at the end of the lake where the trees are at Denholme Clough bottom. On 2 occasions it had company, the first one being a couple of Crows.

A photographer/birder who spent some time chatting told me he saw it dive twice and remain fishless.

Other cast members: 1 each Buzzard, Raven, Grey Heron, Cormorant & a Dipper which flew over a good portion of the the reservoir. A few LBB & 1 BH Gull. 2 Jay, 1 Swallow ditto Grey & Pied Wagtail.
From the bushes a couple of WW/Chiff calls were heard.