Thursday 25 July 2024

Cold Edge Dams To Mixenden

A satisfactory slog right up until the finish where there was nothing doing at Mixenden.
Cold Edge Dams: pr Oystercatcher. The Tufted Duck female has lost a duckling so now has 3 to look after. 10 Greylag, 9 Canada, 12 BHG.

The Grasshopper Warbler was still reeling but less often and loud. 2 Pied Wagtail ditto Goldfinch. 1 each Reed Bunting, WW, Blackbird & Linnet.

The golf course Stonechat trio were still at the same spot calling loudly in agitation.
c30 Goldfinch, c20 Swallow & 4/5 Meadow Pipit.