Saturday, 2 November 2024

Cold Edge Nightmare Mixenden Dream

My worst ever visit to Cold Edge Dams so much so nothing is worth mentioning 😟.
I walked the boring slog from Withens down to the W side of Ogden not paying much attention. I now know from BS & DJS had I persevered I could have got a couple of goodies.

My spirits were raised yet again at Carrs Beck 😁. The sky was filthy dirty rotten with hundreds of migrant thrushes. Redwing were all over the joint with many Fieldfare in support. Several Mistle Thrush and a fair few Blackbird also noted.

On arrival at dreaded Mixenden Reservoir I noticed some dark blobs on the drink. The remaining teeth in my mouth nearly shot out into the trees 😳. The blobs turned out to be 6 yes six Common Scoter! I managed a few under par photos at distance for record purposes.