Friday, 29 November 2024

Soil Hill Ogden Water and Mixenden

Half of this slog was spent watching empty air and ground space especially on Soil Hill. The trek from Ogden promenade to Mixenden was similar. 😏.

A Buzzard was perched on a telegraph pole at the top of the Ogden Plantation.
Ogden Water held the Goosander and a small number of gulls. The Kingfisher flew a short distance from a W bank bush.

Woodpeckers have been very busy in the woodlands.
🌳. Along with a couple of Blackbird seen was a single Redwing.  

Mixenden Res had 2 Cormorant on it and c120 gulls, mainly small sp. but a handful of big uns thrown in.
Elsewhere a Barn Owl 🦉 4 Roe Deer.