Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Manavgat Mini Migration

Definite signs of movement this am after a poor day yesterday on Day 5 when winds kept things down and the only new bird was a Grey Heron. Otherwise it was down to 2 WW, 4 Kingfisher, 5 Spectacled Bulbul, 6 Laughing Dove, 2 Grey and a few White & Yellow Wagtails, YLG, Hoodies & a Graceful Prinia.

Today's birds Day 6 4 Red-Backed Shrike. Red-necked Phalarope, Cormorant, 1 each Redstart & Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Corn Bunting, many YLG, Crested Larks, many White Wagtails. Little Egret, pr Great White Egret, Sanderling, 6 Spectacled Bulbul, Greenfinch, 2 Jay, 1 Whinchat, 5 Cettis Warbler, 3 WW. I need to check Lark songs as I got a prolonged burst of definitely Not Crested

The Black Terns may have moved on but the Phalarope continues to stay close to wherever one may be. Now there is an additional peril; the Sanderling came up and let itself be photographed at a range far too close for comfort. I mean a bird like that could take your leg off at the elbow!
