Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Old Moor Reserve

A trip to Barnsley this am courtesy of DW with DM alongside.
9 Ringed Plover, 2 Green Sandpiper ditto Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Dunlin, 6 Ruff, 1 Golden Plover, numerous Lapwing.

Photos DW

1 Sparrowhawk put in appearances on several occasions with a Kestrel also knocking around. The only other raptor was a Buzzard over the motorway on the way down.

Photos NK

Wildfowl: 4 Little Grebe, numerous Gadwall, several Teal & Wigeon, few Shoveler & Tufted Duck. One of the many Canada Geese had a pinkish bill and head markings indicative of hybridisation. A few Greylag were in the same vicinity. Also 1 each Grey Heron & Kingfisher, Mute Swans, many Cormorants, Moorhen & Coot.

Passerines: 1 Tree Sparrow, 2 Lesser Redpoll, c20 Linnet, c22 Siskin, 5 Bullfinch, 7 LTT, few Chaffinch & Goldfinch, 4 Greenfinch, 3 Blackbird.