Saturday 22 December 2018

Local Annual Review

2018 has been the strangest year since I started to bird this area in AD 2000. Not only have species sightings declined but migration patterns too, e.g only one winter sighting of a Pink-footed Goose skein and far less Fieldfare flocks than previous years.
Two species that stand out like a sore thumb in not being recorded are Merlin (3 years without) and Jack Snipe; the latter particularly galls given my regular sightings on Soil Hill up until two years back.
Other bad actors in not showing up are: Snow Bunting, Barn Owl, Little Ringed Plover (I know!) and Tree Pipit; the latter was almost a certainty at Ogden Giants Tooth or the golf course rough.

On the bright side, I'm certainly happy with the Buzzard count, the majority of this species coming from just down the road apiece. Grey Plover on Soil Hill in early spring is very satisfying and the Ruff again down the road even more so.
4 Green Sandpiper at Fly Flatts was a great record which leads me into the battle for the best species this year. Male Black Redstart at Queensbury cricket pitch or female Hen Harrier carrying prey over moorland? Bit of a struggle but the HH pips it.