Monday 31 December 2018

Queensbury to Mixenden

0835-1150 hrs. Another poor session  in the main which was enlivened by one very good species sighting at half time.
c30 Lapwing at Mountain and a horde of gulls on the football pitch, mainly Common.
Raggalds Flood is demoted to pond at present.
Soil Hill: 9 Meadow Pipit, 2 Dullard only.

Ogden was hard work with visitors all over the joint. However in the W shore Alders I encountered c26 Lesser Redpoll busily feeding. I managed to check em out for grey/white chest/flanks & rump and am satisfied these were all Lesser. Inevitably along came Mr & Mrs Glomp and the Glompingtons and with a crash bang wallop and a scream or two off flew the birds without a by your leave or a kiss my ass.
Apart from the gulls there was a GSW and a Grey Wagtail noted.

I set off to Stod Fold and checked the trees there but didn't get anything at all.
The f Goosander was still on Mixenden Res along with an epidemic of gulls incl an adult LBBG overhead.

So in local terms on a personal basis when all the shouting is over, out goes a below average 2018 on a high note, thankfully.