Tuesday 23 July 2019

A Walk in the Heat

A different kettle of fish today for sure. I picked a watery venue that didn't have the scream factor (the bark factor has never bothered me).

It was an enjoyable slog in the hot sun overall with a few birds seen to boot. The most exciting moment, relatively speaking took place in an overgrown marshy scenario. I heard these sudden clamorous call notes and thought of Cettis Warbler but then discounted that species on the second burst because the notes weren't quite staccato. The next round clinched it as a Nuthatch but in a bog!

Grey Heron, GSW, Jay, 2 Pied Wagtail ditto Blackbird, 4 Swallow, 1 Whitethroat.

C25 BHG flew in settled on a shoreline for approx 15 mins before the bulk of them buggered off. 3 LBBG were high overhead
Also 7 WW & 5 LTT plus a party of c10 fast flying small Passerines I had no chance of identifying.

Trouble i't'mill on the way back namely c17 over friendly young bullocks. Never threatening they were so boisterous I elected to use a steep 40 metre climb to escape their attentions. I mean the rasping tongue, belching, saliva, farting and piss not to mention loads of snot. Still, I only covered 5 of 'em so I think the farmer shouldn't be too bothered.