Monday 19 August 2019

Local Patchy Patch

A Boring quiet first half which picked up fairly well then descended into narcolepsy once again.
8 Blackbird, pr Dunnock, 1 LBBG overhead, many small gulls. The woodland produced zilch, not even figments of a rancid imagination.

After a drop of rain Hirundines came out to feed, often close up around ones noggin. Many House Martin with Swallow numbers being slightly less.
I saw my first Linnets in quite a while, a flock of c30 birds.
Goldfinch clocked in at c20 strong and 4 Mipits were seen.
A GSW called several times nearby, a Raven and a distant Curlew were heard just once.
Numerous Jackdaw and c26 small gulls were in the fields.

My new camera has been ordered and I feel this will be the key to getting some really acceptable birds especially as I'm thinking of relocating to Baffin Island.