Monday 5 August 2019

Moorland Yomp

In the wider wilderness incorporating five stretches of water and once again birds were at a premium. One day I will give this foolish pastime up and get back to the good old days of smuggling contraband and gun running.

5 BHG (I nearly put GBH = Grevious Bodily Harm Gulls) f Tufted Duck with 4 recently hatched young. 4 Swift > SW & 2 Swallow, 5 Linnet, 2 Pied Wagtail.
I heard a WW Singing the full song or as close as it gets. Inevitably Goldfinches.

2 Barnacle Geese ditto juvenile large Gull at distance. 3 Wheatear, more Swallows, numerous Starling, couple Meadow Pipit. Canadas in most locations, 1 Grey Wagtail ditto Green Woodpecker.