Wednesday 14 August 2019

Swillington Ings

Courtesy DM & DW.
A dank morning with grey skies; despite this the birds performed very well.

Pr Spoonbill, 1 Little Egret, 2 Grey Heron.
Pr Shelduck, 3 Pochard, 2 Shoveler, 1 Shelduck ditto Wigeon, several Gadwall, many Tufted Duck.
One Heron in plain view was observed killing and eventually eating what appeared to be a well grown juvenile Coot.

Bottom photo DW

1 Spotted Redshank, numerous Lapwing.
1 Kingfisher ditto Little Grebe, several GCG.
6 Common Tern, 3 Cormorant, 1 LBBG, few BHG.
A few Linnet, Reed Bunting & Goldfinch plus 1 Kestrel also seen.

We had an amazing experience with 100s of Swift flying all around us for the duration of the walk. Individuals would frequently fly just a few feet above our head's in their search for airborne insects.
Numerous Sand Martin less so House Martin were also active along with a few Swallow.
Warbler sp. were present in good numbers including brown jobs but the viewing conditions and the speed of movement in the reeds and bushes prevented accurate identification.