Thursday, 24 December 2020

Low Moor Dams

Nothing on the way down apart from 3 Crows having a right Carrion divesting a roadkill Hedgehog of it's entrails.
A handful of Rook were attending nests near Shelf Park.

Harold Park Lake was busy with people and I'm happy to say birds. 

7 Tufted Duck, 3 Goosander, many Coot & several Moorhen.
4 Mute Swan including a juvenile bearing leg ring Yellow 446.

c20 Herring Gull, numerous BHG & a fair number of Common.

Park Dam was being scoured by the cold N'ly blow and birds were at a premium.

2 Cormorant, 3 Little Grebe diitto Moorhen similar Coot. 1 Common & 5 BHG. 
A dozen Goldfinch, 4 Blackbird, 1 Mistle Thrush & a pr Collared Dove.