Thursday, 25 February 2021

More Of The Same

Played a blinder today. I reasoned that there would be no birds on Raggalds Flood and I was right! This allowed one to enjoy the unadulterated view of grass and water - magic.

A Pied Wagtail bottom of Putrefaction Rd
8 Skylark top of Soil Hell plus generous amounts of wind.

Ogden Res: 1 each GSW, Nuthatch. Couple Blackbird, Mistle Thrush & Robin.
Several Gulls including 5 Herring.

Mixenden Res: 1 Cormorant & numerous gulls including 3 Herring. Also 13 dogs including a Great Dane which carried a nasty suck.

Thought for the day; the difference between Nature and Government. Nature chooses to reduce the 7-1/2 billion population on earth employing agent Covid. Government elects to curtail mankind's freedom. Doing a great job too.