Thursday 26 September 2024

A Bit More About Birding Bulgaria

I really do mean a bit. Wednesday was awful; the only new birds being a pr GC Grebe. Swallow sp. appear to have shot through. A pr Shelduck were still present but none of those big birds whose beaks can hold more than their bellies can 😂.

Today, Thursday showed some signs of migration. A Northern Wheatear was present on a pile of stones not far off the beach. 7 Teal flew over the lake then a couple minutes later flew back and disappeared. c21 Grebes were seen. Most appeared to be BN G but without a telling scope I don’t know if any Slavonian were present.

4 immature Flamingo 🦩, 1 Slender Billed Gull ditto Little Egret. Pr Greenshank still here also 2 RB Shrike & 3/4 Icterine Warblers.