Tuesday 24 September 2024

Hard Graft In A Westerly Breeze

Listen you two readers; I’ve told you before I know nobody reads this drivel, I do it for the ego trip 😎.
The slight W’ly breeze really put paid to migratory birds to start with but tallying up in the second half I managed some decent stuff. Views were never prolonged and a couple of juicy observations were at a distance.

I never want to see a Pygmy Cormorant again, they were all over the joint. 1 Pelican in flight, 2 Great 🦩 feeding. 2 Common Tern, a distant Eagle Sp. 2/3 Icterine Warbler, 1 RB Shrike.

I got a pr Black Stork flying over the far end of the marsh but they soon moved away.
A bit of a surprise on the sea was a diver sp. that was very active. Can’t be conclusive but the size and shape fits Black-throated.

A last minute reward in the scrub adjacent to the Hotel front entrance of all places, was a Lesser Whitethroat 😜.