Saturday 28 September 2024

Catch Up On Not Much Dullgaria

Friday 27 Sept Hot and Sunny clear blue skies. The absolute pits. I went NNE again but only one unid raptor seen briefly. The woods are just as silent as they are back home. No migrants just a Collared Dove, House Sparrows, 3 Magpies & a bunch of Starlings 😢.

Today Saturday 28 September. Took a while for a mist to clear and I got close to 4 Crested Lark. When the Sun came out it was obvious many birds have gone. 4 BN G, 1 GC G. 7 Mute Swan, 1 Little Egret, 3 Common Tern. YLGs. 
Suppose I should be grateful that 17 Barn Swallow came through 🤔.

A Sparrowhawk took off from the hotel roof above my balcony. A White Wagtail is resident in the same area. A Yellow Wagtail ssp. bathes in the same swimming pool area on a daily basis.