I responded eagerly to an invitation from DP to try for the Black Tern & WWB Tern seen together at Skelton lake and then the ings at Swilly on 11 July. We had a rough time finding Skelton Lake - even the locals admitted the access was troublesome. Birds seen here included 12 Mistle Thrush, pr Garden Warbler, 2 Buzzard, pr Kestrel, Lapwings & Oystercatchers. A Yellowhammer was heard but could not be seen; the vast amount of yellow ragwort in the field didn't help.
We both breathed a sigh of relief on arrival at Swillington Ings - a much more user friendly environment. It was evident that we are in July for sure - things had quietened down considerably since my previous visit.
These poor pictures do not reflect the great views we had of the the Black Tern which at times flew very close to us, albeit with some speed. It was generally accepted by all birders that the WW Black had moved on.
Other birds include: 1 Avocet, 3 Oystercatcher, 1 Black-necked Grebe ditto Little Grebe, GC Grebes, 1 Pochard, Cormorants, several Tufted Duck, Common Terns, Reed & Sedge Warblers, few Sand Martins & Swallows, couple Swift, several Lapwings.
Note that WW doesn't mean Willow Warbler; in this instance it's White Winged 😋