Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Everyday Birds

I never fail to be amazed at how birds crop up in the aspects of daily life whether it be social or cultural. Just the other day I was in the Bakers when I observed a short crust pastry product with black and white feathers protruding from the top - a Pied Wagtail.
A nearby shelf was laden with raspberry and strawberry confections Redstarts.
I asked the baker where she kept her ingredients for cakes etc, the reply was in the Buntins.

The music industry is well known for its avian celebrities. The 60s produced Petula Lark, The Dave Lark Five, Jethro Gull, (actually has a few songs incorporating birds in their title) with Alice Whooper appearing in the 70s. A Chicago Blues musician held dear in the hearts of such fans was a lover of Strigiformes - Owling Wolf. A nigh contemporary was another fan of both corvidae and fringilladae - Screaming Jay Hawfinch.
You may ask why have I not mentioned those musical Hirundines The House Martins? It's simply that I find them hard to Swallow.

The Building industry too has avian connections there's a Crane in the back field. To further cement this claim I've just seen a plasterer with a Skimmer. His mate said it's too cold I'll just do a Little Stint, in the Jay CB. The site foreman said I'm locking the gate, when you return use the security bell and Buzzard.