1130-1340 hrs. Mild sunny at times clouding over later.
Off to a great start with the Great White Egret showing well although a bit distant.
It tailed off and was steady after that but there were some good birds to be had. 3 Sinensis Cormorants were present, looking like punk rockers compared to the Phalacacorax Carbon Dioxide types.
The wind was tame by Queensbury standards but was sufficient to keep Passerines down eg there was nothing at Marsh/Willow Tit corner. Several Blackbird, 1 each Stonechat & Reed Bunting, pr Yellowhammer.
Hundreds Lapwing, Teal, Tufted Duck, Coot, few Moorhen. Numerous Wigeon, 5 Pintail, 10 Goldeneye ditto Curlew, 5 GCG, 2 Pochard, 8 Goosander, several Gadwall, Shelduck, Shoveler. 1 each Meadow Pipit & Pied Wagtail, 2 Skylark, Kestrel being the only raptor seen.
A good away day and I enjoyed the wade through 6 inches of flood water over Swillington causeway, saves on washing ones socks eh.