Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Stainland Ringstone Circular

Courtesy of DW along with D Brambling Miller on a bright sunny breezy morning. A slow start but the birds eventually proved satisfactory.

Two finches flew up from the deck in an area where Beech trees were prevalent. DM was onto them with his new bins and confirmed them as a pr Brambling. I'm happy to settle for the fleeting glimpse I got with hope for the future.

At Ringstone Res were a good bunch of Lapwing & Golden Plover along with usual Gulls, 2 Pied Wagtail & many Starling.

A Little Owl called a couple of times but we couldn't nail it.
Other birds include Jay, Kestrel, Blackbird, several Fieldfare & Redwing, LTT, Chaffinch, Goldfinch in fair numbers.