Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Week Catch Up

After a nightmare 22 hours setting up the latest version of Windows 10, I practically galloped out of the house for another quick short walk down south. The blustery wind ensured I didn't get ambitious and extend the walk, along with the paucity of birds of course.
In a certain garden: 3 Greenfinch, similar Golfinch, Coalt Tit & Treecreeper which is always good to see, especially round these parts.
Any Snipe that were lurking in Cross Lane were left to it: I couldn't bring myself to flushing anything sheltering from this crucifying wind. c70 Lapwing, few BHG, numerous Starling & 1 Pied Wagtail.

Very weak it was too on Monday 22/10; one of the lousiest days I've had while birding in this hell hole.
Soil Hill 1 Kestrel, 7 Fieldfare, 4 Mipits, 1 Grey Wagtail.
I'd like to blame the hordes of homo sapiens at Ogden Res for the lack of woodland species, truth is Ogden Plantation was just as barren and I was the only idiot in there.
From the res right across to and including Mixenden it was dire: I've seen more action in a mortuary.