Friday 27 September 2019

Friday 27th September

A lifer and a cracker too seen in flight from above namely Asian Fairy Bluebird.
Great White Egret feeding and other smaller egrets in flight. Also Striated and Indian/Chinese Pond Herons plus a single Western Reef Heron.

I saw a large bird perched on a roof near some feral pigeons, my goggles were alone in a hotel room. An Ozstrylian Sheila was photographing it with her mobile bone so I strained my eyeballs to reveal a calmly preening Osprey.

I'm jetlagged up to the nostrils so I can't remember all but other birds are:
4 Brown Shrike, several Forest Wagtail, numerous Common Myna ditto Tree Sparrow and a Sunbird sp. I've still got to fathom out.
A pr Waders were seen in flight; details I picked up suggest Charadrius and yes I am dubius.

Plenty of photos taken and I can honestly say I am no longer crap with the camera. I've stepped up a couple of notches to acceptably pathetic.