Friday, 15 September 2017

Bad Times Good Times

Woe is me for I am undone or maybe I got my just desserts for being a bastard in this life after having spent the previous 2 helping the likes of St Patrick and Florence Nightingale.
The birding today was the lousiest I've had for months, so much so I didn't intend to dispel any low key information whatsoever but there are those local birders who  had quite the opposite experience to moi.

Old Guy Rd was narcoleptic: 1 Kestrel, 2 Meadow Pipit. Raggalds incl the sports field had 1 LBBG, c50 BHG & 2 Pied Wagtail. Only c30 Goldfinch stick out from the morbid trudge over Soil Hell and Ogden was well eewwwwwww.

This is the bit that gets interesting, I decided to cut my losses and get back to the parish (a GSW in flight on departure) at 1232 hrs. At 1317 I was having my blood pressure tested when BS rang to advise that VJ reported a Little Egret (only the second record) had dropped into Ogden. Needless to say I couldn't record an accurate measurement as the equipment went into orbit.

More positive birding news from DP who went to Whiteholme Res in search for the Bairds Sandpiper that a few fortunate souls have seen. He managed to get onto it with three other Bury birders present and just in time as after 2/3 viewings the bird flew off and apparently dropped into another nearby reservoir. He also had 52 Pink-footed Geese fly overhead.