Monday, 4 September 2017

Low Moor Dams

A Tawny Owl was out back very early this am. I now realise that when I get up to rinse the kidneys switching the bathroom light on triggers them off hooting.

Low Moor 1035 hrs very quiet and misty. Harold Park: 6 Tufted Duck, 9 Mute Swan including cygnet bearing leg ring white on red 608Y.
1 Herring & c12 BH Gulls, 1 GCG,  Coots, few Moorhen. 5 House Martin but no Swallows.

Park Dam was the quietest I've ever known it at the start but it eventually grew on you. 1 each Blackbird,  House Martin, Swallow, Grey Heron & GSW, 14 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 2 GCG, 6 Little Grebe including 2 recently fledged chicks. 
I'd had a good view of a Kingfisher whizzing round the dam 3 times but as I took a few shots of the Little Grebes things got a whole lot better. In the bush next to me first one Kingfisher kicked off calling loudly and then a second bird started up. I could see them about 2 yards away in the branches for c15 seconds and then they both flew off together chipping away.
Also 2 WW and a few House Sparrows here.

Shelf Moor was sporting 3 Pied Wagtails, 2 each Greenfinch & Goldfinch, c16 Linnet, 2 Meadow Pipit, 3 House Martin & c46 Swallows.
Were I to be asked the question Would you deem today's expedition to be an enjoyable success? The only possible answer rendered in my best baritone voice has to be "Indeed!"