Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Raggalds To Swalesmoor

Arctic Queensbury conditions in a 0815 hrs start which I'd like to say was enjoyable in challenging windy and snowy weather - that's what I'd like to say 😬👎.
Raggalds Flood was full but empty. The field at the top of Roper Lane opposite the Ale House held c45 Lapwing and a similar no. of small gulls with more of the latter on the sports field.

On Xmas Day I was informed by a very reliable local stalwart that in the past few days hundreds of Fieldfare & Redwing were to be seen on Swalesmoor, so off I trudged. I didn't seen any but I'm not too pissed off given the way the stiff W'ly wind blew the snow straight into my 👀s. There were a few large gull sp. present along with the smaller and the usual plethora of caaawvids. Also 1 Pied Wagtail & 3 Meadow Pipit.

On the way back home Shibden Head produced a GSW but that was it really. Oh! I did get a reminder that the area is a notable stronghold for House Sparrow.