Some good news about the NW track that leaves Swalesmoor Road and heads down in the direction of the old YWA building. Men in machines have cut a swathe through the area and done away with the potentially dangerous overgrown ditch, also removing fallen tree trunks.
(Hoss thought:This poor sod must be a simpleton) |
Birds were sporadic but there were some quality moments, e.g at Bare Head Tunnel I disturbed a male Sparrowhawk that had just made a kill. It flew a few metres into the undergrowth carrying off a Robin sized bird. Presumably the same hawk was seen about 50 mins later flying across Shibden Head.
A Buzzard came out to do a lap and a half for 2/3 minutes. I walked past a bramble patch and was surprised by a Thrush type that twice called loudly as it flew close toward me. It veered off and dived into cover but was so quick I could only narrow it down to Song Thrush or Redwing respectively by sight. Hopefully when I play the call back from Xeno Canto I'll nail it.
Others: 1 Grey Wagtail, Kestrel & 1 Fieldfare, 5 Redwing, 8 Blackbird, 2 Jay ditto Chaffinch, 1 Pheasant & several Jackdaw.