Friday, 8 December 2017

Shibden Valley Trek

An exhilarating yomp  through the light snow, ice and thick mud of the valley in brilliant sunshine, the kind of day that makes you feel alive (zombies - I didn't mean to upset you).
Some good news about the NW track that leaves Swalesmoor Road and heads down in the direction of the old YWA building. Men in machines have cut a swathe through the area and done away with the potentially dangerous overgrown ditch, also removing fallen tree trunks.

(Hoss thought:This poor sod must be a simpleton)

Birds were sporadic but there were some quality moments, e.g at Bare Head Tunnel I disturbed a male Sparrowhawk that had just made a kill. It flew a few metres into the undergrowth carrying off a Robin sized bird. Presumably the same hawk was seen about 50 mins later flying across Shibden Head.

A Buzzard came out to do a lap and a half for 2/3 minutes. I walked past a bramble patch and was surprised by a Thrush type that twice called loudly as it flew close toward me. It veered off and dived into cover but was so quick I could only narrow it down to Song Thrush or Redwing respectively by sight. Hopefully when I play the call back from Xeno Canto I'll nail it.
Others: 1 Grey Wagtail, Kestrel & 1 Fieldfare, 5 Redwing, 8 Blackbird, 2 Jay ditto Chaffinch, 1 Pheasant & several Jackdaw.