Wednesday 21 November 2018

Re White Crow

Hi Nigel,

Photo DS

It seems to have taken up residence in this area and has been visiting the garden on an almost daily basis for the last couple of years. It likes the softbill that I put down for Blackbirds and now has its personal dish into which I add the odd bit of dog food when it gets cold. I have, in the notebook, details of it coming into the garden since the end of 2014. I don't know how old it is but I remembered seeing a picture you'd taken of it on Birdguides. I checked and it was from April 2013.  My neighbour's son remembers seeing a white Crow-presumably the same bird-when he went to school in Queensbury and he's now 30. It has a distinctive call and seems to be a dominant bird-the three others that come in, presumably family (one has some white feathers), don't argue with it and it gives short shrift to Magpies. It does seem to be showing its age a bit and is sometimes a bit tottery. I assume that's why it doesn't venture so far afield.
Photo DS

I still have one Brambling. I hadn't seen any for a few days but heard one when I looked out for the geese  and heard and saw it again this morning.

Denise 18/11/2018