Monday 19 November 2018

Redcar and South Gare

DW kindly invited me on a trip to Redcar for a crack at the Black-crowned Night Heron seen in Locke Park on Sunday. Several birders present on arrival reported that the bird had not been seen and a subsequent Birdguides report confirmed our fears that a dip was in order.
A watch on the rather rough sea turned up c22 Common Scoter, 4 Oystercatcher, 2 Turnstone, numerous Lapwing and a few Golden Plover present in a nearby field.

At South Gare c50 Twite were watched flying around several times and another sighting of several Common Scoter occurred. Also here were a pr Redshank, 4/5 Oystercatcher and a couple of Shag.
Not forgetting the cormorants and gulls of course.

A Red Kite was seen soaring low above the A1 M edge on the way up and on the return journey. Also in the same vicinity on the homeward trip numerous Greylags were airborne.