Sunday, 1 November 2020

Queensbury South

1110-1240 hrs in a stiff SW/W'ly blow.
The sheltered parts of Littlemoor Park were busy with common species whereas in the open it was extremely quiet.
8 Blackbird, c10 Blue Tit, Gt Tit, c14 Goldfinch, Dunnock, 2 Chaffinch.

High Cross Lane area: 1 LBBG, c46 small gulls mainly BHG. A party of Fieldfare about 20 strong, were in flight a couple of times when not settled in a tree.
I went into the Cross Lane field portion that still is pleasantly boggy but I feel the strong wind had done a thorough scouring job.

The former Lapwing stronghold fields held just 27 birds along with the almost obligatory Starlings. Let's hope the Lapwing numbers don't dwindle further.