Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Raggalds To Mixenden Res

c50 Lapwing on Raggalds sports field with a lesser number of small gull sp. & 4/5 larger sub adult phases. The Flood had only 3 small gulls on it with a Skylark and a Pied Wagtail over.

Soil Hill: 1 Skylark over, couple Meadow Pipit same Chaffinch. 1 Fieldfare ditto Great Tit & Blackbird. 3 Stonechat ditto Dunnock. I was surprised to see a Small Tortoiseshell buttering fly fluttering bye.

Not much doing at Ogden other than plenty of Gullage on the Ullage; usual stuff & 4 LBBG.
1 each GSW & Green Woodpecker. 3 Goldcrest, 1 Grey Wagtail, couple Goldfinch similar LTTs.
The golf course coughed up 1 Mistle Thrush, 4 Fieldfare & 3 Stonechat.

Hunter Hill bottom produced 1 Jay & c16 Fieldfare.
Mixenden Res: 1 each Cormorant, Moorhen & Tufted Duck. 2 Goldeneye, 13 Canada. Several small gulls alongside a couple big 'uns.
Also a smattering of LTT, Goldcrests, Blue/Gt Tits.