Monday, 2 November 2020

Swillington Ings

Courtesy of DP. Unbelievable dry sunny weather until the trip back where it could only be described as Queensbury at it's best.

A Green Sandpiper was pointed out to us by a local birder but I feel nothing but guilt when I try to claim it on a 2 second distant view so out it goes.

The place was crawling with Lapwing, hundreds of 'em. Same applies to Canadas & Greylags.

The prize bird in terms of  an annual was Water Pipit which gave good if somewhat distant views. In the same area were several Pied Wagtails & a Grey Wagtail.
The star bird in terms of an event was a female Peregrine Falcon bathing albeit at a considerable distance.

Other performers were: 2 GBBG, Great White Egret in flight nearby. Little Egret. 3 Grey Heron.

3 Cettis Warbler, 1 Goosander, 2 Goldeneye, Kestrel. Cormorants, Gadwall, Pochard, GCG, Tufted Duck, Shoveler, Teal, Wigeon in healthy numbers.