A handful of Lapwing along with a few small gulls were on the S slope top. Also 1 each Meadow Pipit & Greenfinch seen.
An Hawkasion took place on Coal Lane; a Sparrowhawk flew over and circled around for a spell.
A Kestrel was seen perched in the Back Lane plantation. Ogden Res was full of Gulls but woodland types were virtually absent until I got to the Lodge House and heard a few calls before getting a brief glimpse of my first Brambling of the year.
A pr Mistle Thrush & 1 Fieldfare plus a load of Crows were at Hunter Hill bottom.
Mixenden Res was rammed with small gulls along with a few larger types incl an adult LBBG. Also present was a pale Grey mantled adult Gull with a brutish head suggesting YLG. Problem is I ran out of time so couldn't determine any further identity features