Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Golden Acre Park

Courtesy of  DM on a mainly sunny dry day lending itself to some very good birding interludes on a walk of upto 9 miles.
1 Mandarin, c16 Tufted Duck, 2 Oystercatcher on a farm building roof, 1 Curlew, a dozen Greylag, 2 Cormorant, c40 Lapwing.

1 Tree Sparrow in company with a pr Yellowhammer, 4 Nuthatch 1 drumming GSW, 3/4 LTT, 2 Bullfinch, c15 Goldfinch, Chaffinches, Blackbirds, Blue & Gt Tits.

1 Jay, 2 Kestrel ditto Buzzard. We saw several Red Kite no doubt repeatedly so conservatively estimate a minimum of 10 birds.
Also c450 small gulls mainly BHG, few Moorhen, Coot, Pheasant, Jackdaw, Rook one of which was a leucistic bird and a Weasel.

DP had a Jack Snipe on Soil Hill this afternoon.