Monday 24 September 2018

Cuba September 24

To conclude the sightings for Sunday 23 Sept: I was sat in the hotel lounge guzzling a coldie when at approx 1945 hrs the following ensued. A Greater Antillean Nightjar had the afrontery to fly in from the road, sweep through the lobby and lounge, exiting over the swimming pool 🤓🤑.

Monday am 24/09. Twas grey cloudy and humid and I expected a storm that didn't happen. However I did get a pr Antillean Palm Swift from my balcony, niceee.
I opted for the western mangrove which was at high tide and disappointed a little. All the previously mentioned Gulls & Tern species were present but waders were down to 1 Piping ditto Black-bellied & 3 Semi P Plover. The BB alias Gray Plover was neurotic; the other sp. and certainly Killdeer will allow approach down to 5 yards on a good day, this bird took flight at over 50 yards.
Others: 1 Northern Mockingbird, pr Common Ground Dove, Reddish Egret,

I then decided the eastern mangrove may be more productive which it turned out to be slightly so.
The Solitary Sandpiper was not only seen but it let me take 4 photos of it; talk about the similarity to Green apart from the diagnostic rump.
The Killdeer pr and 1 Green Heron were laying in wait at the usual spot and 2 Snowy & a Reddish Egret were seen.
8 Savannah Sparrow were in some long grass and 3 Smooth Billed Ani were chortling from a fence. Also 1 each Gray Kingbird & Northern Mockingbird plus the obligatory Turkeys blocking the skylight. The Common Yellowthroat showed for over a minute but that was it warbler wise.

I think I've almost hit the species ceiling count for the area now and am dependent on the Yankee migrants moving through.